Business Growth, Leadership, Numbers Coach TIPS, Productivity Management

3 Tips To Being A Successful Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs and businesspeople are constantly on the go and one of the keys to our success often gets neglected- exercise.  Its important to invest in ourselves and exercise is not only good for our body it really helps our brain development too.  Even only 20 minutes of exercise a day makes a huge impact on our well being and outlook.  Here are some tips.

  • Get adequate sleep.  Sleep deprivation suppresses your brain’s ability to filter distractions and limits your focus.
  • Disconnect from our wired 24/7 world.  Unwinding in nature can dramatically improve your cognitive levels.  I really enjoy hiking or even walking in my neighborhood green spaces.
  • Look at your food intake and make a 2% change.  One of the presentations at my Vistage meeting was a nutritionist.  The one take away that has stuck with me was his mantra of saying find the one thing that you can do to change your diet.  I choose to make sure when I look at labels in the store to limit my sugar intake which converts to fatty carbs.  If I make a 2% change in my diet every year, then after 10 years I have may 20% change in my habits.  That’s much easier than the New Year’s resolution to change everything.

So take a break, get the sleep you deserve, and find a 2% change in your diet that can make a difference in the long run. Here’s to adopting the traits of a successful entreprenuer!


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