It’s been said that if we can make a 1% improvement per month in areas that we want to make a difference, then by the end of the year we have improved our productivity by 12%. Over three years, that’s an impressive 36% gain! Much like compound interest, it’s the cumulative impact that can make a big difference.
Here are some tips to achieve a 1% gain:
1. Use a schedule
Take 15 minutes each day to plan your day ahead
2. Take breaks
Using the Pomodoro technique, take a break every 60 to 90 minutes for 15 minutes. Take a walk, meditate, or stretch
3. Stop using technology 1 hour before bed
Set a timer that goes off to tell you to shut it off, and get a good night’s sleep
4. Organize your files
Use the OHIO approach (Only Handle It Once): Throw it out, file it, email it, call about it, but don’t leave it hanging!
5. Eliminate 1 daily annoyance from your list
Turn off you email notification and answer email only once or twice a day
6. Time blocking
Experiment with different blocks of time to do focused work. Like the Pomodoro technique mentioned above and further definition on the web:
7. Exercise regularly
Even 20 minutes of walking a day can make a big difference not just physically but also mentally
8. Make a MIT list…Most Important Task list
Dedicate a specific time that you work best and focus only on the MIT activity you want to accomplish
These are just a few ideas on gaining productivity. There are many others, but the main take-away is to begin with action and do a 1% change each month that will lead to tremendous gain in the long term.
Just remember: Business, like life, is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay in it to win it.
Here’s to your newly found productivity!