Employer Tips, Human Resources, Leadership, Numbers Coach TIPS, Productivity Management

Hiring Your Next Employee?… Consider These Questions

Must ask questions for interviewing new hires.  As you begin to look at opportunities to hire your next employee consider the following questions to ask.

  • In what ways will this role help you stretch your professional capabilities?  This question drives at what the candidate will reveal as areas where they want to improve their skills.
  • What have been your greatest areas of improvement during your career?  This points to areas the candidate felt were weaknesses and how they have addressed them.  Of course, if the indicate that they don’t have any areas of improvement, then they may not be the right candidate.
  • What is the toughest feedback that you have received and how you learned from it?  This shows that a candidate can admit to mistakes and how they handled it along with what they did to use it in their learning process.
  • What would someone most likely misunderstand about you?  This can show a candidates ability to understand others and how they themselves may be misunderstood in certain situations.
  • If you were to give a user manual to you staff in order for them to get to know you, what would it include?  This shows the candidates work habits and general style.

For our company we hire for “attitude” and train for “skills.” We can always teach someone a new skill, but it is very difficult to change someone’s attitude that has been baked into them since childhood.

Here’s to asking the right questions to get you the right new employee!


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