Human Resources, Leadership, Numbers Coach TIPS, Personal Development, Productivity Management

Leadership Through Journaling

It was suggested to me that I begin a practice of journaling daily.  At first I thought what for?  What would I write about?  How would it help me?  My colleague kept up the pressure for me to start so I thought, okay I will humor them and do it just to say I tried it.

Well over a year later, I am still doing it.  Why?  Because I have found it to be very helpful to write down ideas, situations, or feelings that later I can work on or at least have on paper and not forget.  It also allowed me to start a practice of gratitude that has helped keep me on the positive side of the coin and driving my business and relationships forward.

I was skeptical at first, but as I progressed I became more of a believer in the power of the written word even when it comes directly from me.  I could look back at some of the writing which included goals or plans that I wanted to happen.  And guess what, a lot of if did happen.

It has helped me stay focused on my vision and goals for both business and family.  My moods are boosted by the simple act of writing why I am grateful.  Give it a try.  You have nothing to lose.  At the end of each day take your journal write down anything that comes to mind and finish it up with three things that you are grateful for.  Then you can count your blessings.


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