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Time Management: Are You Focused?

I have often heard how well someone can multi-task to get things done.  However, in my experience the person is not so much multi-tasking but rather is switch-tasking and they are not as productive first observed.

Studies have indicated that it can take between 10 minutes to 30 minutes to get back on track with a task that was interrupted by a phone call or email.  In a 2009 study by Stanford researcher, Clifford Nass, he experimented with college students on switching among tasks.  What he found was chronic multi-taskers for terrible at filtering irrelevant information and working memory.

For me the art of getting things done is to stay focused. I start each day with my top 3 priorities that will move the needle for me and my business. I stick with the first priority and finish it before moving on to the next one. It is similar to the acronym FOCUS… Finish, One, Course of action, Until, Complete.

Here’s to you staying focused on the one thing that will move you forward!


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